Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tips On How To Study Chemistry At Home

Tips On How To Study Chemistry At HomeA lot of people are now thinking that it is a good idea to study Chemistry as a high school student, but what should you know about the topic before taking the test? The truth is that chemistry is not a subject that you would want to take in high school. In fact, many people have already said that they would rather attend a four-year college for a college career. However, if you study hard, there is every chance that you will become a chemistry teacher or a chemical engineer at some point.In order to become successful in this field, you need to get yourself ready to do a full upper level science course. This is the minimum requirement in order to qualify as a teacher. Also, getting this degree could also open the door to other careers such as business or medicine. That's why many students enroll themselves in a four-year university. The truth is that this kind of education can be very expensive.So if you want to study Chemistry at home, here are some tips that you need to keep in mind. The first thing you need to think about is the fact that you need to develop your own study material. You don't want to rely on textbooks that have been given to you. Instead, you need to get yourself the material that you need for the class, whether it is online or even by buying an audio or video material. The reason behind this is because your studying should always be your own.As you learn, you have to find time to do the work. Your study material should give you enough time to get enough of your thoughts straight. At the same time, you also need to take the time to practice so that you can pick up those studies immediately. There are lots of ways in which you can practice. These include things like asking yourself questions, asking someone else, or doing activities. When you practice, it's all about focusing.The last tip, you need to keep in mind is that you need to create a solid foundation for yourself. You need to ensure that you will learn the concepts that you need. Once you know everything that you need, you can then start moving forward. Some people, however, have failed to apply these tips and end up failing to study.This means that you have to make sure that you know what you need in each section of the textbook. If you don't know what to study, you are likely to miss out on important information that may come in handy when you get the opportunity to take the test. When you create your own material, you need to make sure that you will learn everything that you need.Finally, when you study, you need to always be aware of the fact that you need to always have real world experience to know what is going on in the subject. Keep in mind that the entire process is all about preparing yourself. The more prepared you are, the better you will do.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What To Do If You See Someone Being Cyber Bullied

What To Do If You See Someone Being Cyber Bullied What To Do If You See Someone Being Cyber Bullied? ChaptersWhat is Cyber Bullying?Signs that Someone is being CyberbulliedHow Can You Help?What Not To DoIn the digital age in which we live there are so many things to be grateful for. Positive actions like instant communication with friends through social media, a wealth of online resources, or endless hours of multimedia entertainment can be enjoyed with minimal fuss.However, unfortunately, the advent of technology has also opened up the doors for a whole host of negative behaviours and actions, making internet safety a huge issue. These actions include spreading malware, compromising user’s personal information, and the relatively recent trend of cyber bullying.In this article we’re going to tackle some of the best ways you can help someone on the receiving end of cyberbullying, and what you can do to prevent it happening in future. 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Cyberbullying is a serious issue which affects many young people.First things first though, what exactly is cyber bullying?A term which is bandied about more and more these days, cyber bullying is what you might imagine it is, in that it refers to malicious acts or verbal abuse through technology.Cyber bullying can take place through any and all digital platforms, and isn’t just limited to social media, though social media safety shouldn’t be ignored. In fact, it isn’t just limited to the internet, but can also extend to texting through mobile phones.The main forms of cyberbullying are sharing damaging content against the victim’s will, and sending hurtful messages or unsolicited photos/videos.This online form of bullying can be especially cruel and scary for the victim since it can seem impossible to escape from. Unlike being bullied at school for example, with cyber bullying the victim can feel trapped, since they are most likely always near some form of technology.To make things worse, a lot of cyberbullying can go unnoticed, since a lot of interactions online or through text are private, and anonymous. The anonymity in particular is a troubling element of cyberbullying, giving the bully free license to say whatever they want without fear of repercussions.Don’t worry though, if you know someone who is being cyber bullied, then there are plenty of things you can do to help. Even if you haven’t experienced it before, it’s useful to know how to act in case you have to deal with it one day.Signs that Someone is being Cyberbullied Look out for negative emotions as a sign of cyber bullying.A good place to start before taking drastic action is to make sure the person you are concerned about is suffering from cyberbullying.Keep an eye out for the following signs, and you might even be able to spot cyberbullying before it’s too late.While these signs aren’t definitive, if you notice a few of them in your friend or loved one, then you shouldn’t rule cyberbullying out.Dominance of Negative EmotionsOne of the first signs that the person could be experiencing cyber bullying, is that they demonstrate an array of negative emotions, often.These can include: anxiety, fear, stress, embarrassment, or shame. While these emotions are experienced by most people at one point or another, if they seem to consistently show up, then something might be up.A telltale sign of cyberbullying would be that the person in question seems to feel these strong negative emotions always after using technology. In which case, you would be right to suspect something might be up.Physical SymptomsAlong with the aforementioned negative emotions, you might also observe physical symptoms such as nausea, or frequent headaches show up.They might also show signs of being especially tired, which could possibly be a result of excessive worrying over cyberbullying.Behavioural ChangesIn terms of behaviour, someone who is being cyberbullied might mention wanting to run away, or express great discomfort each day.If the person in question is a student at a school, then cyberbullying can lead them to express a strong desire to stay away from school.Socially, the person might withdraw into themselves, rejecting the opportunity to talk to people or hang out with friends. They might also stop doing things that they previously loved, such as their favourite hobby.Lastly, focus can be affected, leaving the person restless in class, possibly ruminating over exchanges they’ve recently had online, or through text.A Change in Online HabitsT he last type of sign is a change in online habits. The person you suspect is being cyber bullied might seem to check their phone or tablet every few seconds, or cease all activity with the device all of a sudden.Phone safety is important for this reason, so make sure you’re informed on the risks and things you can do.A reluctance to share their online activity, or a deletion of a social media profile can also be signs that there is something the person doesn’t want you, or others, to know.How Can You Help? Be there for the person suffering from cyber bullying.Now that we’ve given you some tools to help identify if someone is being cyber bullied, let’s take a look at some of the options available to you to help the person in question.Be There for ThemJust like with regular bullying, comfort and feeling safe   are critical for the victim. As such, you should do your best to create a safe environment for them, and one in which they feel comfortable to express themselves and open up, should they wish to.By being a source of positive energy, you can help shift their focus away from the negativity they are suffering as a result of cyberbullying.It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to convince them that the bullying doesn’t matter or is insignificant, so the best you can do at times is to be the light in their lives and provide them with some hope.Another thing you can do if you know for sure the person is being cyber bullied, is to ask them if they need help dealing with it. By offeri ng your support they will feel less alone in their struggle, and sometimes that’s all that’s needed.Invite them to change their internet privacy settings, to secure their personal information, then suggest that they block or delete the bully. If that doesn’t work, and the bullying persists, then should consider taking further action.Report itDespite the fact that it seems at times like the internet is an ungoverned place, there are several authorities which can help deal with cyberbullying.If you decide that the best course of action is to report the bully, then you’ll want to work with your friend to gather evidence of the bullying.From text messages to photos, all you need to do is take screenshots of the interactions, so that the authorities have something concrete to go on.Once you have this evidence, depending on the platform, you should be able to report it to the appropriate authority. For example, forums will have forum administrators who have the power to remove use rs, social media platforms have ‘report’ functions, and if it’s serious enough (physical threats for example) you also have the option to take it up with the police.If the cyberbullying involves another student at the victim’s school, then the proper option would be to take it up with the headteacher.Use Online ResourcesThere are a few websites you can go to online which will help you deal with cyberbullying, and some even provide a helpline which the person being bullied can call whenever they need.One such website is stopbullying, an excellent source of in-depth information on everything concerning cyberbullying, provided by the US government. The website covers common cyberbullying tactics, effective ways to prevent it, and even has a guide for dealing with the increasingly common ‘haters’ and ‘trolls’ of the internet.Another incredibly useful tool is the eSafety website, which has been designed to help children, and parents alike, deal with cyberbullying. The web site has a ‘report abuse’ feature, a helpline, and an e-mail contact, in case the person being bullied prefers to stay anonymous.You should try to consult these websites before taking action since they can give you really helpful advice on how to proceed depending on the particular issue.What Not To DoNow that we’ve covered the main things you can do to help your friend who is being cyberbullied, let’s take a quick look at some of the things not to do. You can also take a look at our guide on how to stay safe online to get a better idea of how to deal with issues like this one.    Stay QuietWhile it’s uncomfortable to get involved sometimes, and many of us freeze and suffer from the Bystander effect in situations such as bullying, staying quiet is one of the worst things you can do.If you don’t speak up against bullying, or say something to support your friend, they may take your silence as you approving of the bullying, which will make them feel worse.Even just reaching out to them to say that what just happened was not ok can make a world of difference.    WaitThe longer you wait to address a case of cyberbullying, the more likely it is that it will get worse for the person being bullied, and the last thing you want is for them to come to any harm.Take a stand and stick up for your friend, even if it feels like it isn’t your place since bullying can have an extremely adverse effect on some, which can stick with them through life, or lead to terrible consequences.Make Light of the SituationWhile humour can definitely help alleviate tension at times, bullying is a serious issue, and should be treated as such.If you try to make light of the bullying to the person being bullied, they might not see the good intention behind it and may feel even less inclined to talk to you if they feel you aren’t.

On Monday or on Mondays

On Monday or on Mondays Which is correct, I always work on Monday or I always work on Mondays? By Corey Coyle, CC BY 3.0, Which is correct, I always work on Monday or I always work on Mondays? On Monday or on Mondays, on Tuesday or on Tuesdays, on Wednesday or on Wednesdays, on Thursday or on Thursdays, on Friday or on Fridays, on Saturday or on Saturdays, on Sunday or on Sundays? Rules and Examples RULE: Use the plural form of a day of the week when you talk about it in general, when the fact repeats. INCORRECT: I always work on  Monday. CORRECT: I always work on  Mondays. Notice that the sentence contains a verb in the Simple Present and an adverb of frequency. Use a plural form of the name of the day of the week to show repetition. Video Lesson Free Grammar Checkers Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker website Grammarly plugin for Chrome Please follow and like us:

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Help Your Child Strengthen His or Her Communication Skills

How to Help Your Child Strengthen His or Her Communication Skills No matter what age your child is, communication is an essential skill. It helps children confirm their understanding of what they are supposed to learn in the classroom, collaborate effectively with other students and people, advocate for themselves, and of course, create clear, effective written work. How can you help your child strengthen those verbal and nonverbal communication skills? Here are several tips: Build the listening skills. Listening should be an active process in which your child focuses on whoever is speaking and simultaneously processes what that person says. Teach your child to watch for teachers and others non-verbal cues as well as their words. Its also important to confirm understanding periodically. Remember also that listening isnt just something your child should do in school. Teach him or her to become a good conversationalist by summarizing, responding, making eye contact and using respectful body language. Work on written communication. Speaking and listening are essential components of communication, but the written word will prove powerful throughout your childs life. Help your child discover ways to practice writing for fun. Blogging, creating short stories or poetry, or keeping a paper or computer journal are great ways to get your child to express him or herself and hone the writing skills. Fuel those curiosities. Young children are highly curious, asking questions about anything and everything. As your child grows older, try to foster that continued interest in learning new things and understanding how things work. When your child learns something new, ask lots of questions. The more your child engages in the learning process by seeking answers to burning questions, sharing what he or she learns, and expressing ideas, the better communicator he or she will become. Invite input. In high school, teachers will begin to expect that your child can engage in collaborative discussions with peers and build on one anothers diverse perspectives. At home, you can help your child improve this skill by inviting him or her to weigh in on conversations and consider not just his or her own perspective on a topic, but that of others. Whenever possible, draw out your childs inner thinker. Back up those opinions. An extension of critical thinking, the art of debate will serve your child well in school and life. Your child should be able to state an opinion as well as the reasons behind it. In writing class, your child will be asked often to write persuasive arguments or convince a reader of something. You can help your child strengthen this ability by thinking through why he or she believes certain things and by listening carefully to others viewpoints to understand why they might feel differently. Communication skills are essential for children in school and become even more important in their future careers. Talk with the professionals at any college career center or browse open job descriptions on any job website and youll discover that strong writing, listening and communication are highly sought-after skills by most companies. As your child matures into a young adult, help him or her nurture the ever-important communication aptitudes. In doing so, you will equip him for success in college and beyond. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2017 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.

Sweet Deal! 15 Online Language Learning Tools Thatll Make You Feel Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Sweet Deal! 15 Online Language Learning Tools Thatll Make You Feel Like a Kid in a Candy Store Sweet Deal! 15 Online Language Learning Tools Thatll Make You Feel Like a Kid in a Candy Store Theres no denying it.Technology just makes things easier.Did you ever have the experience of  hearing  a song that just blew you awayand then not being able to find out what it was?It was frustrating, even painful. But now we have smartphones!With  the right app, your phone can tell you whats playing in the grocery store, a hipster cafe in Brooklyn or your siblings car (which can be annoying when you dont want to admit you have the same taste in music).Unsurprisingly, technology offers the same convenience for language learners, only in a far more significant way.It can take thousands of hours to learn a foreign language.Obviously, thats a lot longer than it takes to write down some lyrics and type them into Google. So theres already a lot more potential for saved time.But technology provides more than just time-saving resources. It provides learning opportunities where previously none were possible.So if youve been feeling trapped lately, like youre sure theres a way out of the lang uage maze to real fluency but you cant seem to locate it, then here you are.These are the language learning tools that will blow your path to success wide open. Sweet Deal! 15 Online Language Learning Tools Thatll Make You Feel Like a Kid in a Candy StoreOld-school learning: Tools for a free college educationWhile the United States tends to have a fairly flexible university system, allowing you to learn from many disciplines, for many of us its impossible to pack in everything we want to learn in a few years. And while you can always go back for a second or third round to earn your masters or Ph.D., many of us dont have the time or money to do so. Especially not for subjects that we love dearly but that remain hobbies.Thankfully, we have other options. That wonderful thing we call the internet has gone above and beyond once again. This time it has become a platform for resources that offer a free college-level education. Lets look at how these resources can be useful for language learners in particular.CourseraFirst off, we have Coursera: Teachers, classmates, lectures, homework and group discussions, all online.The courses offered on Coursera are run by professors from world-renowned institutions, and its even possible to earn a certificate from many of the courses if you want to pay.Coursera, another big name in online education, also maintains a Language Learning section under its online catalogue. Many of the courses will be geared toward beginners, like First Step Korean, and others will engage more generally with language learning, like the Miracles of Human Language course from Leiden University.And it also offers a multitude of classes that are  in foreign languages,  and for advanced learners, learning about something that youre interested in through a foreign language is an excellent way to boost your skills.On Coursera, there are currently  122 classes taught  in Chinese, the second most common language after English, and a long list of other lang uages trail after. Spanish has 79 classes. French has 41 classes. You get the idea. There are a ton of classes out there for you to try. You can even learn about entrepreneurship in Khmer!edXMuch like Coursera, edX  is an open platform for a  smorgasbord of different classes that include video, teachers and fellow students.Its actually one of the biggest MOOC websites out there. It was created by Harvard and MIT, two very famous and expensive universities in America. You can find a lot of college-level courses here, created and taught by actual professors from top universities.EdX has a few more language courses than Coursera. Mandarin is there as well as a Spanish class offered by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Theres also an AP French class offered by a high school if youre willing to go in for that.On the flip side, edX has fewer classes that are in foreign languages, but there are still a significant number. There are 44 classes in Spanish, the second most common langua ge after English. You can also learn astrophysics in French and seismology in Chinese.Compared to Coursera, edX is slightly more focused on the sciences than the humanities. EdX also feels slightly more challenging than Coursera at times, with faster pacing and questions that come straight from on-campus problem sets, but hey, that might be just what you need.The best part?  You can actually earn college credits on EdX, through Arizona State University, and most of the courses have certificates you can get for completing them. It’s not free, but it’s cheaper than being in an actual college.MIT OpenCourseWareMIT OpenCourseWare  is a great option for language learners. OpenCourseWare  provides lecture videos, tests and homework assignments. The only thing youre really lacking is a teacher. The site more than makes up for this, though, in the sheer diversity of courses available.All of the most common languages learned today are there: Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish, German and even Portuguese. There are also more advanced levels for each language.For example, there are seven different classes for Chinese, so youre not stuck with nowhere to go once youve finished the beginner course.With all these courses on hand, all youll need is a little determination to get a world class education in the language of your choicefor free!Tools to animate your educationBut perhaps old-school learning isnt quite your thing. Listening to lectures? Memorizing for tests? Come on, hasnt anyone come up with a workable alternative?Funny you should ask. Within the past decade or so, a slew of different language learning programs have been unleashed upon the market, just waiting for the would-be polyglots of the world to take advantage of them. Here are the best.DuolingoDuolingo is one of the most intuitive and popular apps out there. It aims to teach you the language in a way similar to how a child would learn it. Grammar is usually not explained straight out. Instead, the exerc ises gradually build and build until you go from saying I like apples to translating entire documents on the Duolingo website.The only drawback is that the app is aimed mostly at beginners, so it might not be as much help if you already have a strong base of knowledge in a language.FluentUFluentU  allows you to select a video in the language of your choice and watch it with optional subtitles in your target language or English. What really makes FluentU unique is that it takes authentic videos from all over the webâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.Too many difficult words? You can simply pause the video and get a translation for any word that appears in the subtitles. FluentU keeps track of all the words youve learned, so you can always be assured youre spending time on the areas you need to work on. It also provides material for every level, from complete newbie all the way up to native.If you like the idea of learning a language with the same content native speakers watch, but with a multitude of help right at your fingertips, you can start using FluentU on the website  right now, or better yet, download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.Mango LanguagesIf youre looking for an app that will get your conversation skills going, you may want to check out Mango Languages. This app provides lessons centered around various topics, such as love, travel and law, that help you get the feel of real conversations in your target language.This is done by listening to recorded conversations of native speakers, breaking down the conversation so that you understand even the smallest part and then working your way back up so that you could have that conversation yourself.But it doesnt end there. Mango Languages also strives to cover all elements of language learning (including pronunciation, vocab, grammar and culture) so that youll have a high potential for being a well-rounded language learner.MemriseAnother option thats great for learners of any level is Memrise. Memrise uses spaced repetition to help you keep those pesky vocab words in your head, minimizing the amount of time you have to spend staring at a list of words you need to know.The courses are also user-created, so things as exotic as languages from the Elder Scroll video games or Lord of the Rings have a spot on the site.MindSnacksIf youre really into gamifying your language learning, give MindSnacks a go. The interface is cute and entertaining, allowing you to really enjoy the time you spend learning vocab, grammar and spelling.Each mini-game included in the app is unique and focuses on a different skill, so you get anything from learning word recognition while keeping a fish afloat to identifying antonyms with the help of a Bigfoot lookalike.Rosetta StoneIf youve heard of any pay-to-use language learning program, its probably Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone strives for that old ideal: immersion. Everything that youll be learning will be in your target language.For instance, when you learn the word for cow in Mandarin, youll only see a picture of a cow with the Chinese above it, not the English word. The newest version of Rosetta Stone also comes with a personal teacher included in the price who you can have a 50-minute session with at the end of each lesson.You may still have Rosetta Stone stuck in your mind as that yellow box in the airport, but it has come a long way in recent years to integrate online language learning. Rosetta Stone includes online classes, games and mobile apps, hopping on board with a lot of recent language-learning trends. Recommended for long-term learners rather than quick phrase-building. It’s available for many languages, including:SpanishFrenchGermanJapaneseChinese…and more!Be sure to take a look at the Rosetta Stone offerings in your language today, and dont rule it out based on price aloneâ€"youll get your moneys worth in terms of polish, professionalism and effective language lessons that seriously stick in your brainâ€"for good!PimsleurPimsleur  has a much stronger auditory focus than some of the other programs above. Much of language learning with Pimsleur means listening to a conversation and then repeating parts of it, gradually building up knowledge until you can recall the phrases that have been said when prompted.Pimsleur does come with a reading component, too, but this is secondary and not heavily focused on. The audio is the huge selling point for themâ€"you can use this program to learn easily and effortlessly, wherever you go. Many people use this program for learning while driving!Just let the teachers guide you from basic phrases to complete sentences. It always prompts you to listen, repeat and respond, making it highly interactive. Each new lesson builds on the previous ones, cleverly weaving what youve already learned into new concepts. All in all, this program can help you make a seamless transition from newbie to fluent, with plenty of time and practice.FluenzThe creators of Fluenz  take a somewhat different methodological approach from more immersion-heavy programs, insisting that adults learn faster when they get the grammar explained to them in their own language. Thats the main thing that sets it apart from some of the programs above. That, and youll have a pre-recorded instructor onscreen at the beginning of each lesson.With so many language learning programs to choose from, its hardly a question of whether theres something for you. Its just a matter of finding out which one you like.Online language reference toolsOkay, so youve got your big guns. Your power drills and your chainsaws. But sometimes you just need a little piece of sandpaper and nothing else will do. Thats your reference tools.The reference tools from the old days seem to be gathering dust. When was the last time you saw someone flip through a real, physical dictionary? But online, refer ence tools are as important as they ever were.ForvoThe best inter-language dictionary tends to be specific to each language, but the best pronunciation dictionary for every language can be found in one place: Forvo.Having trouble grasping the sound of a specific word? Just seen a new word and have no clue how to pronounce it? Just load up Forvo and type the word you want to hear in the search box. If they have itâ€"and they have most common words for a large selection of languagesâ€"you can listen to audio recordings from a variety of different speakers, each one with their country of origin clearly labeled.Open CultureWhether youve just started a new language or are well on your way to being fluent and just looking for some new tools, give Open Culture a once-over. The Open Culture page on language learning provides access to great reference resources as disparate as help with writing the Russian alphabet to links to the Foreign Service Institutes textbook for Amharic.Open mediaMay be youre not looking for language learning tools per se. Is what you want more of the bread and butter of language? Places to read, watch and listen to source material at your level? Then youll enjoy the following sites.BBC LanguagesOne of the prime resources for source material is BBC Languages, which provides access to news, television and games in a variety of languages. Having a morning cup of coffee and need a nice morning radio program to fill the background? They have it. Want to have a peek at what French speakers in Africa are watching when they watch the BBC? You can.Lingua.lyBut if reading is more what youre looking for, then youll want to head over to This unique website functions by finding a selection of reading options based on the vocabulary you want to learn.All you have to do is  select a word pack and the site will return reading material that includes the vocab youll be studying. The site is updated regularly, so youll be reading news stories from the same day while you practice.To someone new to the game, all these resources can be a bit overwhelming.Maybe youre even tempted to just chuck the tech and go back to good old blood, sweat and tears.But bear with it. Give a few of these tools a go. Youll find a handful you like, and some you even love.And before you know it, youll be wondering how you ever learned without them.

Coping with Back to School Anxiety

Coping with Back to School Anxiety It has been about a month since a new academic year started but many kids still might feel back to school anxiety. For some of them back to school means back to stress. They might feel anxiety over getting used to a new schedule, making new friends, fitting in with peers or being in a new school. Coping with so much pressure after fun carefree summer time might become a real challenge for anyone. So, what can you do to help your kid? Most of the kids can overcome back to school anxiety with the help of their parents. First of all try to talk openly with your kid about what’s worrying him, and how he might deal with it. Your kid needs an attentive and supportive listener more than a judgmental parent. Secondly, encourage your kid to study something new and exciting in order to distract him from troubling thoughts and fears. It could be astronomy or geography, creative writing or acting, dancing or painting. Pick whatever he would like. Also, you might try to motivate your kid explaining that school will help him to succeed in life and make his dreams come true. Coping with anxiety require time and practice. Your kid should sleep well, eat healthy food and do morning exercise. These simple rules can help him or her to cope better with stress and suppress anxiety. If it is not helping and you cannot figure out what might be done ask one of our life coaches how you can help your kid. Coping with Back to School Anxiety It has been about a month since a new academic year started but many kids still might feel back to school anxiety. For some of them back to school means back to stress. They might feel anxiety over getting used to a new schedule, making new friends, fitting in with peers or being in a new school. Coping with so much pressure after fun carefree summer time might become a real challenge for anyone. So, what can you do to help your kid? Most of the kids can overcome back to school anxiety with the help of their parents. First of all try to talk openly with your kid about what’s worrying him, and how he might deal with it. Your kid needs an attentive and supportive listener more than a judgmental parent. Secondly, encourage your kid to study something new and exciting in order to distract him from troubling thoughts and fears. It could be astronomy or geography, creative writing or acting, dancing or painting. Pick whatever he would like. Also, you might try to motivate your kid explaining that school will help him to succeed in life and make his dreams come true. Coping with anxiety require time and practice. Your kid should sleep well, eat healthy food and do morning exercise. These simple rules can help him or her to cope better with stress and suppress anxiety. If it is not helping and you cannot figure out what might be done ask one of our life coaches how you can help your kid.

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities

Reasons to Get Involved in Community College Campus Activities Tips From an Orange County College Tutor: 4 reasons to get involved in community college campus activities Local community colleges do not offer student housing, so many students simply attend class and drive straight home. Although housing is found off campus, community colleges offer lots of on-campus activities where both full and part-time students can get involved and be a contributing member of their community. Whether students are part of a volunteer group that helps the community or join a specific club or organization involved with their intended major, getting to know people outside of the classroom environment can give students a sense of being part of the group and make their educational experience more positive. Clubs and organizations also offer students a valuable opportunity to network with peers and professors and prepare to be in a professional environment our private Orange County college tutoring will help you have a successful winter semester. 1. Networking One great reason to get involved on campus is to start networking for future career opportunities. Many students will transfer to a 4-year university while others might be looking for internships or starting work after achieving a 2-year degree. In the classroom, most students are focused on impending assignments and exams and dont have much time to network for their future career. Clubs and organizations can fill this gap and help students make connections that are valuable for their future. 2. Social opportunities Part of going to college is making social connections that can lead to long-lasting friendships, study partners, and acquaintances who enjoy the same activities. College students are in a unique period of life where the vast majority of people they know are only one or two years different in age and the experiences they share, both positive and negative, will be similar. Getting involved with on-campus activities allows students to connect with people who are going through the same things and making the same life decisions. 3. Academic clubs Another great reason to get involved is to join an academic club that leads to countless opportunities for students who have educational goals involving a lot of hard work and preparation. One of the best places to meet a study partner or form a study group is in an academic club where each student has the same goal. Additionally, making academic connections is a great way to get valuable information when it comes time to build an academic resume to apply to a 4-year university (READ: College Prep Students: Things To Do Before February). 4. Subject-specific organizations Community college students can also enjoy being part of a group that is specific to a subject they are interested in. If theyre planning to major in engineering, they might enjoy a robotics club, or if they are interested in sports and kinesiology, they might like being part of a run club or yoga group. Subject-specific clubs give students a chance to get to know peers who will be applying to similar programs at 4-year universities in the area. These clubs also keep a student involved with their future career field and help encourage them to stay on track academically so they can reach their goals. The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to book your private Orange County college tutor. Dont take a chance at falling behind in your courses. Call TutorNerds today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.